Saturday, 2 January 2016

Happy New Year!!!!

Hey Readers,
I hope this post finds you well and that 2016 is going well so far. Today I thought I would sit down and write a post to reflect a little on what was 2015 as well as try to put down my thoughts as to what I hope 2016 will hold for my blog. I will make this quick as I don't wish to bore you too much but at the same time I wish to explain a few things from the year that was as well as I do really want to put my thoughts out there for 2016 to see what you all think!!!

2015 saw my blog change a little, This year I found myself getting a little more confident with my writing and therefore finding it easier to post content every week. At the same time though I have had a lot of internet problems which has often meant I have found it hard to have a post go up successfully or on time. Through all that however I have found that you as readers where enjoying my beauty box posts more and more and my mascara madness post where becoming increasingly popular too. I do find these fun to write but I do wish to expand so if you have any posts that you like to read please feel free to suggest a topic?? 2015 also brought a lot of stuff for me personally my full time job expanded giving me more challenges and responsibility as well as a little more stress which has taken a bit to get used too. I also have been planning my wedding which while it is exciting and I am looking forward to being a Mrs, I am not very organised person so it has taken me a long time to get the hang of everything. So having everything start to come together has been interesting. I also have had a few of my family members that are interstate become sick and sadly pass which has meant a lot of emotional time as well as a lot of travel so hence sometimes no time for blogging at all. Overall though it has been a relatively good year and I did enjoy a lot of it but at the same time I am happy to see what 2016 has to bring.  

For my blog I am hoping 2016 gives me a bit more time to blog and as I said previously I would really like to expand further so would really appreciate you as readers telling me what you would like to see more of?? Changes if any to my current posts!?!? Would you like a few non beauty posts?? I don't really want to put up content that people don't wish to read!!! For me personally getting married in April will probably be the highlight and I am hoping that the rest of the year after that brings some good times I would really like 2016 to be full of laughter and happiness and I really wish that for all of you reading this too!!! 

I think I will end this here as I find myself starting to ramble a little. I hope you have enjoyed reading and I hope your own vision for 2016 is going well. So until next time Happy reading and happy shopping!!!


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